All-on-4® Treatment Concept: Immediate Function with a Minimally Invasive & Safe Procedure![]() The All-on-4® Treatment Concept is not done in a hospital, and you will not be put under for treatment. In fact, this system is known as a minimally invasive procedure, cuts are made, but the patient is fully awake throughout the process and post-surgery is very simple. The All-on-4® Treatment Concept allows us to surgically retain your dentures for a permanent and firm fit. Dr. Franco is able to retain your dentures whether you are new to dentures, or have been wearing them for years. This procedure does not require a bone graft and is approved for a variety of patients with a variety of needs, including those who have sensitive medical needs. With the All-on-4® Treatment Concept, we take your denture, either one that you are already wearing, or one that we can create for you, and then Dr. Franco permanently attaches the device using metal implant posts to your jawbone. This sounds extreme, but the process is fast, easy, with limited discomfort. Most importantly, patients who have had their denture retained with implants will never have to deal with having their denture cover the roof of their mouth, have their denture held in with suction or adhesives. Your implant retained denture will feel and function much like your own natural teeth once did. With this system, our patients are able to eat their favorite foods and never have to worry if their denture will stay in place. You never have to remove your denture device, even when you sleep. Your teeth can stay where they belong, in your mouth. Dental and Medical NeedsPatients have many questions when planning to have their denture secured with implants and their health. From bone deterioration, to declined healing ability, and medications that you are taking, we can offer solutions. Our staff at BiteLock provide even our most medically sensitive patients this minimally invasive, safe, procedure. Implant retained dentures provide a patient:
Immediate FunctionWe can surgically retain your dentures in one day. With other implant procedures, the preparatory work and the steps to the finished product can take months, even up to a year, to complete. The All-on-4® Treatment Concept is different. With the technique that is used, Dr. Franco places what is known as immediate load dentures using four dental implants. Immediate load means that the entire procedure is completed in one day, and though the patient will need to eat with caution for a period of time, they can use their dentures the same day. Our staff at BiteLock can provide you the implant retained dentures you need to chew foods more naturally, and even feel like you have your natural teeth. How does the All-on-4® Treatment Concept allow for immediate use?In most implant procedures, the dentist is first required to place a bone graft, then wait a period of time for the bone to grow, providing more dense bone to place the implant. Once the bone is ready, the implant is surgically placed. We then need the patient to wait several more months for the bone and implant to heal, fusing together, before we can finally place the crown, dental bridge or partial denture. The All-on-4® Treatment Concept is different. Dr. Franco uses longer implants that are placed at a specific angle. The longer length and angled placement allows us to reach denser, thicker bone, making for a strong hold. The patient can immediately eat soft, manageable foods. They will need to take caution with their device for a healing period, but this time also allows the patient to increase in comfort, and ease of use. As the patient grows increasingly more comfortable with their device, they will also be able to increase the range of foods they are able to eat. Soon, the implant retained denture will feel just like the natural teeth they once had. What to Expect During SurgeryThough the procedure may sound extreme, most patients are surprised at how easy it felt, and being only minimally invasive, the All-on-4® Treatment Concept is gentle enough for even medically frail patients. Dr. Franco will first anesthetize the patient with the appropriate type of anesthesia based on their medical needs. We do not want you to feel any discomfort and will take your needs into consideration. Dr. Franco will then proceed to open the tissue and use a specialized dental drill to create the space needed in the bone. Dr. Franco will then place the four implants along with the denture device. The area is sutured closed and the procedure is completed. In most cases, the entire process is done in about one hour. What to Expect Post SurgeryPost surgery will include a couple of days of discomfort, though based on many patients testimonies the discomfort was less than anticipated. We will prescribe an appropriate pain reliever for the first few days. Many patients find that they can resume regular activities, and even return to work, within a few days. It will take some time getting used to suddenly having a mouthful of permanent teeth again. With the sudden change, and in order to allow your bone to heal, the patient will need to proceed slowly and cautiously. Soon, you will be able to chew foods with ease without ever having the worry of your denture device coming loose again. |