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Dental Implants And Osseointegration
Dallas Metro Area

Dental Implant held by dental tool, while dentist educates patient about osseointergration at BiteLock in the Dallas, TX area.Here at BiteLock, we know that there are a lot of options when it comes to tooth loss, whether this stems from age, decay, injury, or more. For some patients, dental implants are the best option. BiteLock utilizes dental implant technology to enhance our denture system, but to understand our system, it is essential to understand implants.

When it comes to implants, we are confident that you will be comfortable here at BiteLock with Dr. Pedro Franco leading our team. We have years of experience that allow us to know our procedures inside and out. From deciding which device is best for you to the surgical and healing process and beyond, we have got you covered. We can explain every bit to you every step of the way, so give us a call today for more information about your upcoming procedure.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are a method of repairing the damage done by a lost permanent tooth and a way of preventing further damage from coming from the surrounding teeth. Losing a tooth can mean not only pain and discomfort in the gap where the gums are exposed and could be damaged when eating or irritated when speaking, but can also lead to other teeth shifting into the gap, causing crowding and more difficulties eating or speaking. This shifting can also lead to the potential for more damage to be done than before, with a change in your bite pressure or angle at which the tooth receives the exertion from your jaw.

A dental implant can repair this problem relatively simply. It can be made from ceramic (Zirconia) or titanium (our personal go-to), and it is a small prosthetic device that is installed into your jaw. This piece is then attached, after a healing period, usually, to a prosthetic device in your mouth, to repair the issue there. This device can be a crown, bridge, or in BiteLock’s case, a new, technologically advanced form of denture! These are permanent, and they owe their success to a fusion that occurs between the metal and the bone called Osseointegration.

What is Osseointegration?

Osseointegration is, very simply, a fancier name for “bone connection.” There are two options for the materials composing an implant, titanium ( metal) and zirconium ( ceramic). Both of these, when inserted into your jaw, undergo a fusion process with the surrounding bone. This means that the post over time attaches to the bone. The bone grows all around and flush against the implant, providing a stable and secure base. This ensures that the post will not move over time.

Benefits of Osseointegration Over Removable Dental Appliances

There is a wide variety of benefits that come along with dental implants and the Osseointegration process, but first, it is important to understand the cons that can come alongside removable appliances. Bridges and dentures are the most commonly seen removable dental products. These can cause an assortment of issues over time. Most importantly, over time removable dentures can cause bone loss.

Since there is nothing stimulating the bone (removable pieces sit on the gums’ surface), it can deteriorate over time. This leads to issues ranging from pain and cosmetic damage of the mouth and face to the inability to undergo other dental surgeries later without grafting. These pieces can also be uncomfortable since they tend to shift around. This can leave sores on the gums and can cause gagging if they slide backward toward your throat.

With implants, you do not have to worry about any of these. Osseointegration ensures that you will not have to deal with bone loss, as they stimulate your jaw in much the same way that a natural tooth root would as you chew. They also will not shift as time goes by, so no painful or embarrassing slippage. They provide the utmost comfortability as they feel as natural as your real teeth, only stronger. This also means that the cosmetic differences will be eliminated (such as sinking lips or cheeks). You will be able to eat, chew, and speak normally once more, which can be inhibited by traditional dentures. Your implant is permanently locked in place, and with care can last you a lifetime.

How Long Do Implants Last

Implants, if properly taken care of, can last for the rest of your life! It is essential that you brush and floss regularly, and that you attend each of your six-month checkups (if not more than that!), but when cared for as well as you would take care of your natural teeth, they are a long-lasting solution. If you were to get a crown or a bridge above your implant, those could last 10-15 years, and you may need to get it replaced over time if there is damage done or it is not properly taken care of. However, those options are not involved in the implant itself; those are just attachments that take care of the potential risks within your mouth.

BiteLock takes this technology and has advanced it, using it to hold dentures instead of a single crown or bridge. Our experts know just what we are doing to make you confident in your smile once more, and to allow you to be comfortable eating, speaking, and smiling once again! If you think that dentures may be the right option for you, or if you have a different kind of denture right now, give us a call! We can help you find the best solution for your problems, and if you are a candidate for our implant based denture system, we can get you taken care of at your convenience.

Dr. Pedro Franco here at BiteLock can help you get through this process without hassle or fear. We know what we are doing and will help you feel comfortable and safe every step of the way. Give us a call today at (972) 594-7414, so we can address any questions or concerns you may have.
Bite Lock Teeth in a Day by Dr. Pedro F. Franco - Dallas, TX

IRVING, TX 75062
(972) 594-7414


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ENNIS, TX 75119
(972) 875-7616

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