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Types Of Dental Implants

Oral Surgeon examing smile after getting Dental Implants in Dallas Fort Worth at BiteLock.Here at BiteLock, while we are sure that you would love our advanced implant supported denture system involving permanence and comfortability, we know you have many different options for your oral health needs. If you don't think that our denture system procedure is right for you, we will help you to find an alternative that will make you happy, confident, and comfortable again. Whether you are dealing with one tooth loss or several, we can help you to get right back on track to minimize discomfort and decrease the risk of potential other problems with the surrounding teeth.

Implant Varieties

Depending on your specific oral needs, requests, and physical deficiencies (if there are any), there are different options available for your implants. For example, there are different materials with which we can make your implants. Generally speaking, we use titanium posts for our implants. However, some people either do not want them or physically cannot have them, as 4% of people are allergic to titanium.

If you are allergic to a material used in our procedures, obviously, we will not continue with it in the way that perhaps we ordinarily would. In these types of situations, there are alternatives that we can utilize, such as Zirconia instead of Titanium. Zirconia is a ceramic appliance rather than metal, and will not have the same issues with allergies, nor is there any risk of deterioration over time.

There are also two types of implants that you can get, not including the material that they are comprised of. For example, you can get Endosteal implants. These are the ones that you hear about most often and are the ones that are installed directly into your jawbone. These are the industry standard and are shaped like screws usually, but can be shaped like plates or cylinders as well. However, there are patients whose jawbone is not thick enough to support such an installation. These patients can either get their jawbone rebuilt through bone grafting, or they can get Subperiosteal implants. These do not go into the bone but do go under the gum-line. These can be used in much the same way, though, as the others can, for crowns and other types of abutments.

Dental Implant Materials

There are two main types of materials used for dental implants, and here at BiteLock, Dr. Pedro Franco can help you decide which is best for you. For most, it is titanium, hands down. However, there are also reasons that you may not be able to, or may not desire to go that direction. We have compiled a general comparison as seen here, but our knowledgeable staff would be more than happy to answer any potential questions you may have about our implants and how they work.

Titanium Dental Implants

The most commonly used and versatile material is titanium. This is a metal implant that comes in two pieces, the post which lies below the gums’ surface, and the abutment which lies above. A titanium implant is a great option because it fuses easily with the bone in your jaw. It is not often rejected and provides a level of stability that may be unmatched and with proper care, can last a lifetime. We know more about titanium implants since they have been around for much longer than their ceramic counterpart.

Because of their two-part system, titanium implants offer a wider margin for error. Sometimes, implants are put it at a slight angle (this can be intentional because of bone density or for some reason accidental). With a titanium implant, we can create a custom support to repair it. With a one-piece system, that is entirely unrealistic. Titanium implants also boast the ability to have grafts done after their installation if need be. With a different system, this too can be unrealistic.

Zirconium Dental Implants

Zirconium is the other commonly used material. This is a ceramic appliance that comes in one solid piece. This means that the post portion lies beneath the surface of your gums while the rest resides above. This can lead to the potential for damage over time if it gets bumped while chewing or speaking, which can disrupt its fusion to your bone. It is also a newer material, so we do not know as much yet about its lifespan in comparison to that of titanium. There are several benefits to this piece, however.

For example, they are a white color and do not run the risk of ever being seen through the tissues of your gums in the way that a titanium may eventually do. There is also no risk of corrosion, which can come alongside the long-term use of a metal implant. Titanium implants can also be conductive to heat, and a zirconium implant does not run that risk. This is extremely rare to have anyone have a conductivity issue to the point that they can feel it, however, so be sure to know that. It is also a great option for the 4% of the population that is allergic to titanium.

All varieties of implants can also come in different sizes. Whether you have a large or small mouth or a thick or shallow jawbone, our team will find the perfect fit to help you get back on track. Even if you are just getting a standard crown or bridge rather than our impressive denture system, we can still make sure that you are comfortable and healthy once more.

We are experts in our fields, and here at BiteLock, you come first. Our team will cater to your needs and make sure that you are happy with whatever procedures you undertake. You are in the best possible hands, and we can find your perfect fit. If you have and questions, comments, or concerns about your upcoming procedure or process, be sure to call us at (972) 594-7414 and set up a consultation or appointment today, and we will get you fully taken care of!
Bite Lock Teeth in a Day by Dr. Pedro F. Franco - Dallas, TX

IRVING, TX 75062
(972) 594-7414


(972) 270-6617


ENNIS, TX 75119
(972) 875-7616

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